You can still do something to reach out to your love ones even though the Rapture of the church had taken place.
For USD40 a year, You've Been Left Behind LLC you can have on standby up 62 email addresses where you can send your post-rapture messages. You can even reveal to them your safe combinations, passwords to Internet bank account, hidden valuables etc. These are encrypted.
Messages of love were sent together with earthly possessions. This is a wonderful window of opportunity for them to turn to God as all that you and the church had said and shared will tied together.
This is also another way of getting back at the anti-Christ government that will be set up. The love ones will not need to wait for 7 years before a court order can be obtained to get to the assets legally. A tagline I heard from a will writer goes like this, "Why let your love ones go through hell when you are going to heaven."
If you think it is expensive, the organisers says that the price will come down when the number of subscriber increases.
This is how it works:
1. There is 250Mb allocated to each account. 150Mb will be encrypted. The 150Mb will contained the sensitive scanned documents, passwords and last testament. It can be uploaded to 12 email addresses. The other unencrypted 100Mb can store normal documents that can be uploaded to the other 50 email addresses.
2. The documents and database can be updated at any time.
3. The organisation have 5 persons scattered all over the USA. If 3 of them fail to log in over a 3 day period it will trigger the system. Thereafter another 3 days are given to avoid a false alarm. Technically, 6 days after the Rapture the emails will be released.
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