Saturday, June 14, 2008

Leadership Style of Jesus

Jesus builds and gathers leaders. This is a crucial aspect of his ministry. He has 3 years. With leaders he can impart vision and involve them in fulfilling it. To put it loosely, one can see the 4-tier leadership. There were the 12, the 70, the 120 and finally the 500.

The leadership style of Jesus can be generalized into 2. It may be simple yet profound. The first type is Task-oriented. It is directive, commanding, I-know-best, everything-depends-on-me and dictatorial (Matt 4:19; Matt 16:18-19). It is mostly applicable during vision casting and preliminary phase of the project/ministry. However, this should only be there for a season.


Thereafter the style should move into a more People-oriented style (Matt 20:28; John 13:12-14). It is participative, I-am-the-coach, supportive and empowering people. This is after the followers understands the vision, working has a team and well into the project/ministry.


I will say this: different style for different season. In the church and organizational lives it is made up of different projects/ministries each in different phases of implementation.

A wise leader must be versatile and understand the sign of times and also the direction of where the church/organization is heading towards.

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