Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hot, Lukewarm and Cold

15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.  (Revelation 3:15,16)

(10%, 0.7 billion)

Know Jesus And Want Jesus

• Great Commission Christian
• Pray, Give and Go
• Hot for God/ God chasers
• Resisted the devil and submitted to God
• Act on their faith / Bear fruits
• Passionate about their faith

Action: Win the lukewarm and the cold

(20%, 1.4 billion)

1. Know Jesus But Do Not Want Jesus

• Lost their first love / Back sliden
• Deny their faith / Gone rogue / Sleeping with enemy
• Post modern faith
• Conform to the world. Entice by worldliness. Rom 12:2

Action: Repentance and Revival

2. Do Not Know Jesus But Want Jesus

• Nominal / Professing Christian
• Christian out of habit/tradition/family practices / own set and structures of beliefs
• Want to know God on their own terms
• Can be real stiff-necked and stubborn
• Religiosity / Legalistic
• Faith is in their mouth not heart / Faith in their head and not heart
• Head/mind knowledge vs heart faith
• Missed knowing God by 9inches.

 Action: Renewal and some to be Born Again

(70%, 4.9 billion)

1. Do Not Know Jesus And Do Not Want Jesus
(30%, 2.1 billion)

• Heard the Gospel but rejected it
• They are lost, unsaved, irreligious, and cold.
• Stone cold dead and honest about it

 Action: Need evangelism

2. Do Not Know Jesus Because Have Never Heard of the Name Jesus 
(40%, 2.8 billion)

• Have not heard the Gospel
• Exposed only to Indigenous pagan faith
• No chance as yet as never heard the gospel

Action: Need Missions

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