Wednesday, January 30, 2013

World Population of 7 Billion in Missions' Snapshot

The world's population had passed the 7 billion mark in Oct 2011. If I may divide the 7 billion into 4 Groupings using standard statistcis made available by missiologists it will simply look like this.
  • 40% Unsaved that needs missions (2.8 bil),
  • 30% Unsaved that neeeds evangelism (2.1 bil),
  • 20% Nominal and Lost First Love Christians that needs renewal and repenrtance/revival respectively (1.4 bil),
  • 10% Great Commission Christains who will Pray, Give and Go (0.7 bil).
I have added under the Nominal Grouping another segment called the Lost First Love Christians. They need revival and repentance to move back into the Great Commission Christian Grouping.

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